Regarding the Dec. 11 front-page Kyodo article "Meiji ignored tipoffs on cesium in formula": I wonder what the purpose is of establishing cesium levels in baby formula if a detected amount that is one-sixth of the "acceptable" level causes Meiji Co. to do a massive recall. Is the level expected to be zero? If so, why set a standard higher than that? Would Meiji have conducted the recall at 1/200 (1 becquerel per kilogram) of the government-set limit?

This is what has the public scared. If zero tolerance is the expectation, then it should be made clear, but zero tolerance is often impossible. Meiji's formula was well within standards, but "tipoffs" required a recall to avoid a marketing disaster.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

name withheld by request