In reference to the Los Angeles Times opinion article printed in The Japan Times on March 22, "Anti-Zionism: greater threat to Jewish lives": Writer Judea Pearl has lived through my worst nightmare, losing a son. In this, Pearl has my deepest sympathies, but the idea that anti-Zionism is "discriminatory and immoral" needs perspective.

My perspective is that of an atheist. On the face of it, the Jewish god plans to torture me and all non-Jews for the duration of eternity. Since the rebuilding of the temple, according to dogma, will expedite my damnation in this regard, why should I be rooting for team Zion?

The idea that Jews have a right to "self determination in their historical birthplace" is open to debate — or should be, without the risk of being labeled an anti-Semite.

Research indicates that the ancestors of all humanity walked out of Africa in the distant past. By Pearl's reasoning, we atheists should have the "right" to head back to modern-day Africa and displace the current residents at gunpoint. And then demand they recognize our right to exist in their homes. And then try to paint any opposition as anti-atheist. Pearl should consider this perspective before calling me immoral.

name withheld