It is difficult to effectively catalog the outrages that Gregory Clark's article has presented. First, he justifies the racist Japanese belief that non-Japanese will cause greater damage to apartments than Japanese tenants, and then condemns non-Japanese for living in "gaijin ghettoes." Apparently Clark feels that ghettoizing a population is entirely justifiable when it is based on a racist, discriminatory sentiment.

Clark also asserts that without America's affirmative action law demanding preference for blacks and other minorities, U.S. President "Barack Obama would probably not be where he is today." This claim displays an inexcusable ignorance of U.S. anti-discrimination and affirmative action law.

As if to justify the racist treatment that many Koreans and Chinese in Japan still suffer, Clark states that "Japan has long had a real problem of clever Chinese and Korean criminals taking advantage of Japan's lack of theft awareness to pick the locks and pockets of unsuspecting citizens." He goes on to say Japan needs to take precautions against these "theft experts."

I would expect to hear such a statement blasted from the bullhorn of a rightwingers' black van, but to hear it echoed by a non-Japanese resident is not only awful but pathetically stupid.

colin bare