An international survey conducted recently in different countries revealed that only 8 percent of Japanese between the ages of 16 and 34 think that they are happy with their lives. Japan occupied the last position on the list. I was dumbfounded by these statistics because people in this age group are usually full of dreams. And we're not talking about people who have to get by on a banana to stave off hunger pangs, but rather a group that will certainly die with their own houses, cars, etc. -- that is, with their basic needs completely covered.

Respondents cited pressure in their working environment and the pressure to be successful among the main reasons for their problems. Because previous generations of Japanese people were forced to work under pressure without complaining, they let their children live among pleasure and comfort only. Their children became young men and women, but the Japanese working system, in essence, has not changed. Therefore, either today's youths are not prepared to cope with the stress and responsibility of the workplace, or they want to succeed in life but don't even know what it means to be successful.

Our lives are meaningful when we have purposes. Find objectives in life, and you will smile broadly today and forever.

eddy nelson