It's the end of summer (even though it may not feel like it) and holidaymakers are returning home in droves, reminding us that it's time to turn our heat-addled brains once again to Serious and Important Matters. In this regard, Britain's BBC may serve as an inspiration to us all. Last week, in the depths of August's dog days, it came up with a plan to get the British public thinking about weighty issues again right into autumn.

What did the BBC do? It published its highly anticipated, poll-based list of the Top 100 Britons of all time. And to ensure that the public's attention is not diverted, it announced that a new rolling poll designed to determine the single greatest Briton will be held concurrently with a BBC fall television series featuring profiles of the top 10.

It's all very clever, when you think about it. Not only does it introduce the British to some local heroes they may never even have heard of (television inventor John Logie Baird, aircraft and bomb designer Neville Barnes Wallis), thereby greatly expanding their mental horizons, it makes them feel good about themselves. Look! We produced Shakespeare, Ms. J.K. ("Harry Potter") Rowling and Boy George! What nation can compete with that?