The newest Aegis-equipped destroyer of the Maritime Self-Defense Force was launched Wednesday at a shipyard in Yokohama.

The ship, built by Japan Marine United Corp., was named the Haguro at the launching ceremony, and is slated to go into service around March 2021.

Once the Haguro goes into service, the country will have eight Aegis destroyers capable of defending against ballistic missiles. Among the eight is the destroyer Maya, the same type as the Haguro, which will be put into commission in March next year.

The Haguro, an 8,200-ton vessel measuring 170 meters in length and 21 meters at its widest point, is equipped with the Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) system capable of ascertaining the positions of missiles and airplanes and sharing them with U.S. forces and other allies.

The cost of building the ship was about ¥173.4 billion, according to the MSDF.