A quiz on words that high school girls in Japan use in conversation or when texting attracted plenty of attention online earlier this week, with the hashtag #JK用語クイズ (JK yōgo quizu, or JK words quiz) topping Twitter's trending list for much of Tuesday. "JK" is short for joshi kosei, the Japanese term for high school girls.

The quiz, which was compiled by Yoza Hikaru at Japan Buzzfeed, attempts to determine if you're able to hang out with high school girls or not. In the quiz, respondents are asked to choose identify the meaning of a word from three options that are provided.

For example, one question asks respondents whether "テンアゲ" ("tenage") is short for "天ぷら" ("tempura"), "テンションあげる" ("tension ageru," or "getting excited") or "10回つぶやく" ("jyukkai tsubuyaku," or "tweeting 10 times"). The answer? Tension ageru.