Ltd. has changed its half-price hamburger policy for weekdays at outlets in three prefectures, setting new discount prices that will run throughout the week, company officials said Friday.

The company plans to extend the system to other areas next year, they added.

The initial area covers 165 outlets in Ehime, Kumamoto and Kagoshima prefectures.

Hamburgers priced at 65 yen each on weekdays and 130 yen on Saturdays and Sundays are now 80 yen every day in Ehime, and 100 yen in Kumamoto and Kagoshima, they said.

The company will monitor consumers' response to the new price scale until Tuesday before deciding whether to extend the system to other prefectures.

Company officials did not elaborate on reasons for the policy change but Den Fujita, president of McDonald's Japan, said Thursday that the company is looking at new strategies.

Fujita said he will become chairman next year, allowing current Deputy President Yasuyuki Yagi to succeed him as president. Fujita will retain his post as chief executive officer, he added.