

Words and phrases

理化学研究所 (りかがくけんきゅうじょ) Riken

17日 (じゅうしちにち) the 17th

計算科学研究(けいさんかがくけんきゅう)センター Center for Computational Science

神戸市 (こうべし) city of Kobe

スーパーコンピューター supercomputer

富岳 (ふがく) Fugaku, also another name for Mount Fuji

性能 (せいのう) performance

ランキング ranking

4部門 (よんぶもん) four categories

前回 (ぜんかい) previous time

6月 (ろくがつ) June

〜に続(つづ)き following ~

世界1位(せかいいちい)になった became No. 1 in the world

発表(はっぴょう)する to announce

2期連続 (にきれんぞく) two consecutive terms

4冠 (よんかん) four crowns

世界初 (せかいはつ) the first in the world

このうち among these

〜と呼(よ)ばれる to be called ~

計算速度 (けいさんそくど) computing speed

毎秒 (まいびょう) per second

44京2010兆 (よんじゅうよんけいにせんじゅっちょう) 442 quadrillion 10 trillion

回 (かい) times, occurrence

達(たっ)する to reach

2位 (にい) second place

米 (べい) U.S.

オークリッジ国立研究所 (こくりつけんきゅうじょ) Oak Ridge National Laboratory

スパコン supercomputer

同 (どう) the same

14京8600兆 (じゅうよんけいはっせんろっぴゃくちょう) 148 quadrillion 600 trillion

〜に比(くら)べて compared to ~

約 (やく) approximately

3倍 (さんばい) three times

示(しめ)す to show

米国 (べいこく) the United States

中国 (ちゅうごく) China

Quick questions

1) 富岳とは何で、どこにありますか?

2) 何の世界初となったのですか?

3) その計算速度はどのくらいの速さですか?


Riken announced on the 17th, the Center for Computational Science's (Kobe) supercomputer “Fugaku,” in the four categories for performance rankings became No. 1 in the world, following the previous time's (success) in June. It's the first time in the world a supercomputer has been awarded the title of “quadruple crowns” for two consecutive terms. Among those in the Top 500 category, (Fugaku's) computational speed reached 442 quadrillion 10 trillion times per second, compared to the second place U.S. Oak Ridge National Labratory's supercomputer (148 quadrillion 600 trillion times) demonstrated three times the performance. The Top 500 ranking's third place went to the United States, fourth place went to a Chinese supercomputer.


1) What is Fugaku and where is it located?


It's a supercomputer at the Center for Computational Science (Kobe).

2) What is it the first in the world to achieve?


It became No. 1 in the world in four performance ranking categories for supercomputers for two consecutive terms.

3) How fast is its calculation speed?


442 quadrillion 10 trillion times per second.