Corin Kanazawa
Teacher, 27
Definitely to save money. It's getting ridiculous. I have a shopping addiction. I lived in a small country town last time I was here, which was much better for my wallet.

Kozue Mistuda
Student, 21
I want to start working out to lose some weight, hopefully twice a week. I've been a gym member for six months but I haven't been for about a month.

Mark Bird
Engineer, 30
Never to make another New Years' resolution. They always fall flat on their face, don't they, come New Year's Day with a hangover.

Michelle Lam
Club development manager, 25
I want to finish my masters in sports management -- one semester to go. I want to be kinder to people -- I tend to judge people. And to really challenge myself -- job, relationship, friends -- everything.

Chris Sailler
Student, 24
Working more on my Japanese and studying more. I should say drinking less, but I don't want to drink less.

Caitlin Whiting
Teacher, 23
I really want to learn Japanese. I got here three months ago, so I really have to get onto it. I don't think I need to lose weight -- I like my hips, although the Japanese girls make me feel like a Clydsdale.