


Edward M. Gómez
Jun 27, 2015
'Aperture' magazine comes to Tokyo
Think photography and its history, and it's easy to recall iconic images of New York, Paris or London — cities whose buildings and street life have long provided compelling subjects. Constantly changing, Tokyo is now securing its place in that history of urban images.
Japan Times
Jan 15, 2015
Offbeat satire that finds the bizarre in the banal
Sometimes the pen really is mightier than the sword — not only when it is deployed to capture in words the loftiest philosophical ruminations, but also when, through pictures, it causes heroes to tremble and fall. For skilled satirists, trenchant humor is a potent tool.
Japan Times
Dec 10, 2013
Recalling nature's fury abstractly in oils
As someone who was born and brought up in Bosnia, educated in Germany and is now based in New York, why should artist Amer Kobaslija have reacted as passionately as he did on hearing about the earthquake and the tsunami that struck Japan's Tohoku region on March 11, 2011?
Japan Times
Nov 5, 2013
Outsider drawn to the circle of life
The discovery and promotion of works by self-taught or outsider artists — those who are not academically trained and create their works primarily for themselves, mostly beyond the cultural-commercial mainstream — are still relatively new activities in Japan.
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Outsider art that comes from within
'Outsider art' is relatively new in Japan and, as a genre, works made by self-taught Japanese artists are still not very well known on the category-delineating, label-loving international art scene.


It's back to the classroom for some residents as municipal governments across the country conduct lessons to learn how to use new technologies.
Can aging Japan go digital without leaving anyone behind?