Tag - population



Apr 3, 2018
Act on daunting demographic challenge
An estimate by the nation's leading demographics institute serves as a reminderto the nation of the threat many municipalities face as their populations shrink.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Society
Mar 30, 2018
Estimate predicts that by 2045, population will drop everywhere except in Tokyo
Japan's population will fall everywhere except in Tokyo by 2045 and even growth in the capital will likely be marginal, according to a government estimate released Friday.
Japan Times
Mar 22, 2018
Nagoya and Gifu national universities to consider merging operations as student populations shrink
Nagoya University and Gifu University said Thursday they will consider merging their operations amid a fall in the student population, to create what could be the first national university operator in the country to run multiple schools.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2018
Tokyo area sees net population inflow for 22nd year in a row
The number of people who moved into the greater Tokyo area exceeded that of people moving out by 119,779 in 2017, marking a net population inflow for the 22nd straight year, the internal affairs ministry said.
Japan Times
Jan 29, 2018
Japan's three structural challenges
To ensure its future prosperity, Japan must resolve its demographic, productivity and fiscal dilemmas.
Jan 29, 2018
Japan's rural regions turn to 'sharing economy' to offer residents valuable services
Business practices collectively known as the "sharing economy" are offering new ways for local and prefectural governments to address problems such as aging populations and scarce job opportunities.
JAPAN / Society
Jan 13, 2018
Going it alone: Solo dwellers will account for 40% of Japan's households by 2040, forecast says
A national research institute predicts singles will make up nearly 40 percent of Japan's households by 2040 as marriage declines and divorce continues to rise.
Japan Times
Jan 10, 2018
Coming of age: 1 in 8 new adults in Tokyo are not Japanese, ward figures show
The foreign community is younger overall than the native population across the 23 wards, figures show.
Japan Times
Jan 4, 2018
With fast-track permanent residency rule, Japan looks to shed its closed image
With the goal of attracting more skilled foreign workers, Japan moved to relax requirements for permanent residency for such individuals last April.
Japan Times
Jan 3, 2018
Retail giant Aeon evolves to engage Japan's aging customer base
The company has renovated 13 outlets across the country to cater to seniors, offering earlier opening hours and services that encourage asatomo (morning friends) get-togethers.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Jan 2, 2018
Japan's biggest banks downsize to stay alive amid population decline
The country's banking giants race to adapt to changing business conditions thanks to a graying population and the spread of online banking.
Dec 31, 2017
At 1.23 million, number of new adults remains unchanged from last year
The number of Japanese aged 20, the legal marker for adulthood in the country, will stand at just over 1.2 million on New Year's Day, unchanged from a year earlier and equating to less than 1 percent of the population for the eighth straight year, a government estimate showed Sunday.
Japan Times
Dec 26, 2017
Japan looks to welcome fourth-generation Japanese living abroad
The Justice Ministry is considering giving residency status to fourth-generation Japanese immigrants in Latin America and elsewhere, a move that would allow them to work in Japan long term, officials have said.
Japan Times
Dec 22, 2017
Births in Japan head for new all-time low
Japan is on track to produce only 941,000 babies for 2017 — the lowest since the statistic started being tracked in 1899, health ministry data show.
Japan Times
Nov 17, 2017
Why Japan's low birth rate makes economic sense
Japan's shrinking population may present a hidden advantage to navigating this century's artificial intelligence revolution.
Japan Times
Oct 31, 2017
From furaryman to 'Nige-haji'
To encourage more young people to start families, Japan must create an environment in which mothers can work and men do more to help out around the home.
Japan Times
BUSINESS / Companies
Oct 13, 2017
Eying Thailand's graying population, Japanese firms expand products and services for elderly
A leading wheelchair maker and a hospital operator from Japan are seeking to expand in Thailand with an eye on products and services for the elderly as the Southeast Asian country's population rapidly ages.
Japan Times
Oct 2, 2017
Japan has to spend a little less on its well-off elderly
Lowering pension and medical benefits to well-off elderly people looks like Japan's least-bad option to rein in its debt.
Japan Times
Sep 18, 2017
Number of people in Japan aged 90 and above tops 2 million for first time
The number of Japanese 90 or older stood at 2.06 million as of last week.
Japan Times
Sep 13, 2017
What will it take to convince Japanese to 'choose family'?
Without a societal model that makes family life appear important and attractive, perhaps it's no wonder that many Japanese people have stopped choosing it.


Father's Day is said to have come to Japan around 1950, shortly after the establishment of Mother's Day.
The evolving nature of fatherhood in Japan