Tag - internet-tv



Japan Times
Jun 6, 2013
Apple faces antitrust hurdle amid talk of 'iRadio'
Reports that Apple is starting a new music-streaming service sent Pandora's stock price tumbling Monday and sparked talk that the tech giant may be regaining its footing after several difficult months. But experts say there is at least one potential obstacle ahead for the company — federal antitrust laws.
JAPAN / Politics
Jun 5, 2013
Japan to allow online sales of 99% of all OTC drugs
The administration, as part of its strategy to stimulate growth, decides to allow more than 99 percent of nonprescription drugs to be sold over the Internet.
Jun 3, 2013
In Britain, a debate over freedom of the tweet
After the recent slaying of a British soldier in a suspected Islamist extremist attack, angry social media users took to Twitter and Facebook, with some dispatching racially and religiously charged comments that got them quickly noticed on the busy boulevards of the Internet.
May 31, 2013
Japan, U.S. mull successor to Internet
Japanese and U.S. science and technology bodies agreed Wednesday to help both countries develop a next-generation information transmission network that could replace the Internet.
May 27, 2013
Hold the false prophets of doom accountable
Apocalyptic prophecies and the raucous festivities accompanying them are indisputably alluring. But imaginary cataclysms have real-world consequences.
May 22, 2013
Yahoo's Tumblr deal carries risks, rewards
Yahoo has concluded that Tumblr, the social blogging service, is worth a whopping $1.1 billion. Will the bet prove a good one?
Japan Times
May 21, 2013
Yahoo OKs $1.1 billion purchase of Tumblr: WSJ
Yahoo Inc.'s board has approved a $1.1 billion acquisition of Tumblr Inc., a service that hosts 108 million blogs, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing unidentified sources familiar with the matter.
Japan Times
Apr 29, 2013
Politicians roll up sleeves at Net event
Political parties over the weekend competed for the support of heavy Internet users at an event hosted by an online video-sharing site in the runup to the House of Councilors election in July, the first election to allow politicians unfettered access to the Web in their campaigns.
Apr 27, 2013
Europe forces Google to make searches fairer
There soon could be two Googles: one built for Europeans, with links to rival search engines and labels alerting users whenever Google is featuring its own products, and another version for everyone else.
JAPAN / Politics
Apr 19, 2013
Diet OKs Internet election campaigns
Japan finally modernizes its political system by passing a bill allowing politicians to campaign over the Internet.
Apr 14, 2013
Net TV expresses views the mainstream ignores
Last week's column mentioned "Pack-in News," a current-affairs talk show that used to stream on the Internet TV channel Kinkin.tv, which is the personal project of veteran actor-emcee Kinya Aikawa. It was a continuation of "Pack-in Journal," a show hosted by Aikawa on the satellite station Asahi Newstar that started in 1998 and was cancelled last spring. Aikawa, using his own money, launched his subscription-based Internet endeavor last April and centered it on "Pack-in News," but in the past year the 78-year-old actor decided to dedicate his remaining days to his theater company and movie projects, and discontinued the talk show in March. Some of the regular panelists felt it would be a waste to squander the show's momentum and two weeks ago launched another Internet channel, DemocraTV, which has the same format as "Pack-in News."
Apr 11, 2013
Internet election campaigning bill clears hurdle
A Lower House committee working to revise the Public Offices Election Law unanimously approves a bill to drop a ban on the use of the Internet during poll campaigns.
Japan Times
Apr 6, 2013
Soaring value of bitcoins raises fears of potential financial 'cyberbubble'
A currency surging in value at a breathtaking rate and belonging to no nation is being hailed as a revolution in 'financial free speech' by its diverse group of users.
Japan Times
Mar 30, 2013
Summly highlights how smartphones are upending media models
Many this week celebrated the latest tech wunderkind, a British teenager who made a fortune selling an app that boils down news reports, no matter how important or complex, into a pithy 400 characters. But for some of those who prefer heartier servings of news, the development carried at least a whiff of the apocalypse.
Japan Times
Mar 23, 2013
The digital pioneer who became a Web rebel
Jaron Lanier is that rarest of rare birds — an uber-geek who is highly critical of the world created by the technology he helped to create. Now 52, he first came to prominence in the 1980s as a pioneer in the field of "virtual reality" — the development of computer-generated environments in which real people could interact. Ever since then, he has attracted the label of "visionary," not always a compliment in the computer business, where it denotes, as the New Yorker memorably put it, "a capacity for mercurial insight and a lack of practical job skills."
Japan Times
WORLD / Society
Mar 16, 2013
'We are abandoning all the checks and balances'
Evgeny Morozov is a Belarus-born technology writer who has held positions at Stanford and Georgetown universities in the United States. His first book, "The Net Delusion," argued that "Western do-gooders may have missed how [the Internet] ... entrenches dictators, threatens dissidents, and makes it harder — not easier — to promote democracy." The New York Times described it as "brilliant and courageous."
Mar 16, 2013
Browser makers consider limits to tracking users
It is often hard to tell which is the Web's priority: helping you learn about the world or helping the world — and especially advertisers — learn about you.
Mar 15, 2013
Rules for online drug sales
The government panel tasked with regulation reform will give top priority to considering the merits of nonprescription drug sales over the Internet.
Feb 23, 2013
Campaigning, 21st-century style
The ruling and opposition parties agree to let election campaigns loose on the Internet, but they differ over the extent to which email should be used.
JAPAN / Politics
Feb 14, 2013
Parties come together to lift ban on Net election campaigning
All 11 major parties in the Diet agree in principle to lift the ban on Internet-based election campaigning in time for this summer's Upper House election.


Rows of irises resemble a rice field at the Peter Walker-designed Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
The 'outsiders' creating some of Japan's greenest spaces