Tag - drug



Japan Times
Jun 9, 2013
'Nutritious' claims need to be taken with a pinch of salt
During a recent visit to the United States, I was impressed by several advertising campaigns. The American Beverage Association (ABA) is running a series of spots that alternatingly complain of what it deems the over-regulation of soft drinks and promote the efforts of member manufacturers to make their products less conspicuously unhealthy, the idea being that consumers know what they want better than politicians or bureaucrats do. In a similar vein, I saw many commercials for class action suits by lawyers groups soliciting viewers who may have suffered adverse effects from specific drugs or medical treatments. Suing hospitals and pharmaceutical companies is big business.
JAPAN / Crime & Legal
Mar 28, 2013
Malaysia court rejects Japanese woman's appeal of drug-smuggling death sentence
A 38-year-old Japanese woman sentenced to death for attempting to smuggle drugs into Malaysia on Wednesday lost her appeal.
Mar 1, 2013
Afghanistan's legacy of child opium addiction
A report just released by the United Nations Mission in Afghanistan states that there were 2,754 civilian deaths and 4,805 civilian injuries in that country during 2012. Unmentioned is a serious side effect of the conflict: the high number of opium-addicted children in Afghanistan.
JAPAN / Science & Health
Jan 23, 2013
Oral drug better for cancer patients
Seventy percent of pancreatic cancer patients who orally take the cancer drug S-1 survive two years after surgery, compared with 53 percent of those who receive the intravenous drug gemcitabine, a medical research group said Wednesday.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree