Tag - cold-war



Japan Times
Nov 19, 2018
U.S. vice president's sharp China attacks fuel Asia's fears of a new Cold War
Since the Soviet Union fell in the early 1990s, Southeast Asia has sought to avoid getting caught in a fight between major powers. The Trump administration is making that position look increasingly untenable.
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
Oct 23, 2018
Japan to urge U.S. not to leave nuke pact, citing possible arms race, North Korea denuclearization
The government plans to call on the United States not to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, sources have said.
Japan Times
Nov 28, 2017
Hawaii to resume Cold War-era nuclear siren tests amid North Korea threat
Hawaii this week will resume monthly statewide testing of its Cold War-era nuclear attack warning sirens for the first time in about 30 years, in preparation for a potential missile launch from North Korea, emergency management officials said Monday.
Japan Times
Aug 1, 2017
Malta restores forgotten British WWII, Cold War tunnels
In a vast network of tunnels carved into the rocks under the Maltese capital Valletta, faded maps of the Mediterranean hint at the place's role in directing key battles in World War II.
Japan Times
Jun 19, 2017
Remembering Helmut Kohl's unfinished business
The late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl was the man who put German history to bed, and helped lay the groundwork for the current confrontation between Russia and the West.
Japan Times
Apr 8, 2017
'MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975': Revisiting Chalmers Johnson on the U.S.-Japan relationship
May 15 will mark the 45th anniversary of the reversion of Okinawa to Japanese control, again reminding us of how drastically the U.S.-Japan relationship has changed over the years.
Japan Times
Jan 27, 2017
Ceausescu bunker offers a window into Romania's brutal communist past
The hermetically sealed heavy steel door to the bunker of Romania's late communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, opens with a squeak, releasing a burst of cool air.
Japan Times
Sep 26, 2016
Some of North Korea's old friends take steps to isolate regime of Kim Jong Un
From kicking out North Korean workers and ending visa-free travel for its citizens, to stripping flags of convenience from its ships, Cold War-era allies from Poland to Mongolia are taking measures to squeeze the isolated country.
Jul 22, 2016
'Lockheed Incident Document 40th Year Shocking Scoop'; 'Yassan'; Xflag
Thanks mainly to a first-person "biography" written by former Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara, there is renewed interest in disgraced former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka. NHK is presenting a series of special programs, some of which are dramatizations, about the scandal that brought Tanaka down: the Lockheed...
Japan Times
JAPAN / Politics
May 13, 2016
Michael Douglas urges Obama to cement his anti-nuke legacy at Hiroshima
Hollywood actor Michael Douglas, a U.N. "messenger for peace," wants President Barack Obama to issue a strong message against nuclear weapons when he visits Hiroshima in Japan later this month.
Japan Times
Nov 1, 2015
Schabowski, man who accidentally spilled news of Berlin Wall opening, dies
Guenther Schabowski, the former senior East German Communist Party official who accidentally announced the opening of the Berlin Wall, has died at the age of 86, German media reported Sunday.
Aug 8, 2015
Keep the spirit of Helsinki alive
The Helsinki Declaration has helped keep the peace in Europe for 40 years, and with tensions rising over the Ukraine crisis, it's vital to maintain that spirit of comprehensive security.
Jun 22, 2015
The living legacy of the Helsinki Declaration
with the resurgence of armed conflict in Europe challenging the Helsinki Final Act's fundamental principles, the 40th anniversary of its signing has taken on new meaning.
Nov 10, 2014
Wall long gone but vacuum remains
The commemoration of the collapse of the Berlin Wall on Nov. 9, 1989, reminds us of the power of the elemental yearning for freedom as well as the failure of our leaders, in the quarter-century since, to build a world that better responds to that driving force.
Japan Times
Nov 10, 2014
Germany celebrates 25th anniversary of fall of Berlin Wall
More than a million Germans and people from around the world on Sunday celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the event that more than any other marked the end of the Cold War.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Nov 9, 2014
Gorbachev slams West, says world is on brink of new Cold War
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev warned in a speech in Berlin on Saturday that East-West tensions over the Ukraine crisis were threatening to push the world into a new Cold War, 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics / FOCUS
Jun 5, 2014
Memory collides with politics in Putin's 'Normandy landing'
D-Day observances have always been part memorial, part politics.
Jun 3, 2014
Welcome to Vladimir Putin's brave new world
Russian President Vladimir Putin's actions with regard to Ukraine are guided by a single goal — ruling Russia for as long as he lives. This is based entirely on realistic concerns for his personal safety.
Apr 6, 2014
Don't let Cold War warriors reboot their dated thinking
The hundred think tanks that bloomed, and the thousands of mediocre academics and pseudo-experts who found easy employment in the universities and the media, feel obliged to make themselves relevant and important again after Russian President Vladimir Putin's land grab. Don't let them reboot the Cold War.
Japan Times
WORLD / Politics
Mar 4, 2014
Amid Ukraine turmoil, ghosts of Cold War return to haunt Eastern Europe
Alzbeta Ehrnhofer was a 13-year-old Slovak schoolgirl when the Soviet Army poured into Czechoslovakia to "restore order" after the 1968 Prague Spring promised some freedoms to the Warsaw Pact nation.


A store clerk tries to cool things down in front of their shop by spraying a hose.
Is extreme weather changing the way Japan shops?