Tag - antipoverty



Japan Times
Apr 12, 2014
Loss of after-school program in Osaka will hurt poor kids
In February, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was castigated by local media for keeping public schools open during a snowstorm. One of his reasons for not closing schools was that many parents relied on them not only to look after their kids during the day, but also to feed them. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that 21 million American children receive free or reduced-price school meals every day, sometimes twice a day if they eat breakfast at school. "It's a big deal to some parents," de Blasio told reporters. This explanation didn't satisfy critics, who said the weather made it too dangerous to commute, and anyway school is for education, not "meals on wheels," as one person tweeted.
Jul 24, 2011
A book for the times
This month, Mr. Jun Ikeido won the prestigious Naoki Prize for popular fiction; the Akutagawa Prize for new writers of literary fiction was not awarded as the judges found no exceptional work deemed worthy of the prize.
Jul 17, 2011
Autumn admissions
Cherry blossoms have long accompanied the start of the school year in Japan, but that may soon change to autumn leaves. The University of Tokyo is looking into the possibility of beginning its school year in the fall rather than spring. If adopted, the change, which would likely be followed by other universities, would put Japan in line with the rest of the world in a practical and sensible way.


When trying to trace your lineage in Japan, the "koseki" is the most important form of document you'll encounter.
Climbing the branches of a Japanese family tree