Regarding the story June 17 story "Dog-like robots now on sale for $75,000, but buyers must pledge to do no harm," I am not sure why anyone would want to drop $75K on one of these metallic Rottweilers, except to intimidate or harm. I'm sure, for example, that authoritarian regimes worldwide would find them very useful for crowd control, or for sniffing out and liquidating dissidents.

Ah, technology! Bringing us new blessings every day. Boston Dynamics' promise not to service "Spot" for those who intend to misuse them is less than convincing. Want a dog? Get a flesh-and-blood Pomeranian, poodle or (well-trained) German shepherd. Spot is the metal dog from Hell.

Donald Seekins


The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.