In "Trump impeachment is a deep Democratic coup against Warren" in the Oct. 12 edition, Ted Rall asks why the Democrats have started an impeachment inquiry against President Trump because of the "Ukraine/Biden affair," and not because of "the fact that he's nuts."

For one reason, it's a tad easier to marshal the facts of the political favor that Trump asked of the Ukrainian president, and then argue on constitutional grounds for impeachment ("treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"). Proving insanity and then holding this up to the constitutional standard is, of course, not serious.

Neither is Rall's conspiracy theory that the Democrats chose to start the inquiry deliberately to damage the campaign of Elizabeth Warren and help Joe Biden. He suggests the polls will reflect this, but the opposite is in fact the case: As the Ukraine/Biden story emerges, Warren has been rising while Biden is falling.



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