Rodrigo Duterte, the new president of the Philippines, gives good copy. Here's a quote from his final election rally: "Forget the laws on human rights. If I make it to the presidential palace, I will do just what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better go out. Because I'd kill you. I'll dump all of you into Manila Bay, and fatten all the fish there."

And here's another, from last Sunday, after United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the U.N.'s Office on Drugs and Crime condemned Duterte's "apparent endorsement of extrajudicial killings."

"I do not want to insult you," Duterte said. (He only called them "stupid.") "But maybe we'll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations. If you are that rude, we might just as well leave. So take us out of your organization. You have done nothing. Never. Except to criticize."