Who are you going to believe: us, or your lying eyes? That's the good word from Democratic Party powers that be and their transcribers in the corporate media, in response to the "allegations" by Bernie Sanders supporters that the nomination was stolen by Hillary Clinton. I used scare quotes around the word "allegations" because the truth is plain to see and undeniable by anyone with a microgram of honesty: Clinton cheated. If the rules had been followed, Sanders would be the nominee.

As with all things Clinton, of course, definitions matter. It depends on what the meaning of "cheat" is.

To most people, "cheating" means breaking the rules of a contest. By this standard definition, there's no doubt that the Clinton campaign, its political allies and the Democratic National Committee cheated in favor of Clinton and against Sanders. They broke the law. They disenfranchised voters. They broke party rules. And they violated long-standing customs that are so widely accepted that they are essentially de facto rules of the Democratic Party and the American political system.