Even though everyone has expected for weeks that Donald Trump would win the New Hampshire primary, the scale of that victory should unsettle both his rivals and the pundits.

Trump won big: At this writing it looks as though he will have gotten more votes than the next two candidates combined. He also swept nearly every demographic category. He won young and old, men and women, independents and Republicans, first-time voters and returning ones, moderates and people who call themselves "very conservative." He carried every education group, albeit with a narrow margin among those with advanced college degrees.

He won, as well, in that Republicans who don't want him are not much further along in finding a champion than they were before the Iowa and New Hampshire contests. John Kasich, who took second place in New Hampshire, does not have a national organization and is considered too moderate by many to win. Many anti-Trump Republicans are at least as hostile to Ted Cruz, the third-place finisher. Neither of the next two Republicans, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, have any reason to leave the race now.