Recently the Democratic Party of West Virginia announced the date of its annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, so I suppose the state's Democrats aren't joining the rush to dump the name.

Good for them.

All over the country, local party groups are busily renaming the traditional fundraiser, on the ground that one of its eponyms was a slaveholder and believer in black inferiority, and the other, who also held slaves, has the blood of thousands of American Indians on his hands. I have no brief for either Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson (although I do retain a certain old-fashioned affection for that Declaration thing), but I'm worried that the relabeling business is getting out of hand. It's one thing to pressure the Southern states to stop displaying the Confederate battle flag in ways that honor the horribly destructive war to preserve slavery. It's something else to seek to write all the racist baddies out of the nation's history.