It's small wonder that in the family of nations there are few countries today that would sincerely call Japan a "friend." Trade partner maybe, friend never.

Why is it so difficult for Japan to understand that the days of commercial whaling are over?

And Japan has never been a whaling culture. Yes, in the Edo Period, fishermen did hunt a few of these magnificent warmblooded mammals when they swam too close to shore, but until the late 19th century, Japan never took much interest in whale steaks as a steady source of protein! Most Japanese were vegetarian before 1854. Must these Diet members thumb their noses at the International Court of Justice and world opinion just to feel good about themselves?

How very low their self-esteem must be: "Look at me, Ma, I'm eating whale meat. To hell with the gaijin and his sentimental affection for Moby Dick."

robert mckinney
otaru, hokkaido

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.