I would like to give my opinion on the June 4 AFP-JIJI article "Hey kids, keep it down — graying Japan annoyed by children's noise": I am a Japanese-language consultant who has visited Japan five times and been in regular touch with Japanese for 18 years. I keep getting information about concerns that the number of children is decreasing while the number of older people rise.

I feel that society needs to respect both the older and younger generations. The older generation must be patient enough to let the younger mind develop with freedom.

If we restrict the freedom of children's voices, it will hamper their growth. To encourage people to go for parenthood, society must encourage them in all aspects.

I feel that by becoming patient toward children, their sounds will makes us patient in other areas as well. Children all over the world are considered flowers that bloom to make this world beautiful. We must love children whether they are our own or our neighbors', whether they're on the street or underprivileged.

Children are going to build the future. Suppressing them makes them aggressive and introverted, which is more dangerous for society. The older generation should become more patient with children and start becoming friends with them. I apologize if these comments hurt the feelings of any elderly person.

kavita gakher
new delhi

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.