It is interesting that Natan Sharansky, identified as "a human rights activist," writes in his opinion piece about "No more free passes for tyrants" (Oct. 30), yet doesn't utter a sound when the tyrant is Israel and the victims are Palestinian. On record as a vociferous advocate of confiscating Palestinian property in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, clear acts of tyranny, he flies into a rage whenever someone identifies the behavior as tyrannical and illegal. Yet when the same kind of behavior is practiced by an Arab despot, he is livid with self-righteous rage.

From a Palestinian point of view, confiscating (stealing) their property and putting protestors in jail is every bit as tyrannical as Sharansky accuses Bashar Assad and others of being. There was a day, long since past, when I respected this man. But, sad to say, that day is long past. If Sharansky wishes the respect of the free world, he should begin advocating for the right of Palestinian people to keep their homes and farms, and tell the Israeli government to keep their hands off.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

george polley