Regarding the Dec. 14 editorial, "Glimpse of hope from Durban": I can understand The Japan Times' concern for the potential effects of global warming and the role Japan might play in helping mitigate the effects. The problem is, the jury is out on whether humans can really do anything about it.

Although the science is fairly certain that the Earth has been warmer recently, the science is not definite as to whether humans or natural causes — cyclical variations in solar activity or other conditions — are really to blame. As the recently released, second batch of the "Climatgate" emails show, scientists are yet groping for conclusive evidence that human-produced greenhouse gasses are causing the warming. The emails also show that environmental activist scientists are still actively suppressing reports from skeptical scientists whose research shows that solar variation, among other natural causes — not human-produced greenhouse gases — is causing most, if not all, of the current warming trend.

Until further research, untainted by political activism, can be accomplished, countries like Japan should first concentrate on making sure its economy is robust and secure and that its energy industry is providing sufficient, cheap power for its industries to function with maximum efficiency before spending billions on an effort, based on shaky science, that may not accomplish anything.

charles ainsworth

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.