I'm a third-year university student and a job-seeker. This year the time for job-seekers to register with enterprises has been changed from October to December, to reduce students' burden of studying and looking for work at the same time.

Job-seeking, however, actually started before December. There already have been, and will be, a lot of job fairs. I have registered with several websites for job-seekers. It seems that major sites hold job fairs on weekends, while lesser ones hold them on weekdays to avoid conflicting dates.

Since these sites exist for job-seekers, shouldn't priority be given to their convenience. I'm OK with individual company explanation meetings or job interviews being held on weekdays but not job fairs. I have classes to attend every weekday and don't want to be absent from them. So, job fairs should be held only on weekends.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

saki yamagami