We hear TV reports that the population of the world just hit 7 billion. Space and resources on Planet Earth are limited, so why does the population of the world keep increasing limitlessly? We see television images of women in some countries holding malnourished children whose skinny faces are swarming with flies.

According to Wikipedia, the world's population in 1961 is assumed to have been 3 billion, and now it's 7 billion. I believe that the unbridled increase in population should be stopped by some means or other. The United Nations should suggest such means and make frank statements to the leaders of those countries that cannot provide their people with enough food.

Many foolish things are being done by human beings and many important things have been neglected. Precious rainforests are being cut down in the Amazon Valley. The Japanese government is thinking of exporting nuclear reactors to other countries — as if the nuclear plant disasters in Fukushima haven't done any damage.

Some countries are thinking of building more nuclear plants, and not much progress has been made in abolishing nuclear weapons or in planting trees in deserts. I wish newspapers like The Japan Times would tell their readers how to donate money to organizations working to make deserts green by planting trees.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

naoshi koriyama