The July 21 article "What it takes to banish starvation," by former European commissioner for agriculture Franz Fischler, repeats all the silly ideas that the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization has been promoting for years, and that has led directly to the development of gene-modified food and seeds.

The quickest way to get everybody in the world fed is to stop eating animals! This behavior destroys most of the available cereals, corn and soya. There is enough food! Instead of feeding all these animals with human nutrition, we could feed the world.

For 1 kilogram of beef, you need eight times more food for the animals. Meat production is also a waste of water; for 1 kg of beef, you need 100 bathtubs of water. And we all know that in a few years water will be one of the greatest goods on Earth.

I expect articles from The Japan Times to delve deeper into the problems we have created in the world and to suggest ideas that will energize people to solve them.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

mona jabri