My apologies if I am incorrect about questions regarding Jun Hongo's April 12 article, "Nation's unpreparedness ahead of disaster is blasted." My current understanding of the data presented by the world community, including Japanese television, specifically relating to the events on March 11, has been stated in feet and meters. All are reasonably close in size and distance.

This article states that the March 11 tsunami was as high as 37.9 meters at Taro, Iwate Prefecture, and that the tallest on record was 38.2 meters at Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, in 1896. I suggest that these values are measured in feet and not meters, as much more damage would have resulted from such an unthinkable value.

The meters' value for a seabed slide of 24 meters, a rise of 3 meters and a Honshu shift of 2 meters eastward are also suspect. They seem like measurements in feet.

If meters are the preferred reporting method, then I submit that there was no conversion factor applied and that is my dilemma. Additionally, I also question whether the rise and shift values were reversed, or if they are correct, whether they are in different measurements. I understand all measurements may need some adjustment, but mixing values of feet and meters can have very serious side effects.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

alan lackie