First of all, I would like to express my sympathy to the Japanese people following the March 11 natural disaster.

I was disappointed, though, with some parts of the Sentaku magazine article run in The Japan Times April 11, titled "From Russian with leverage." The writer noted that Russia had sent a 161-man rescue team to the quake-devastated region, yet quoted an expert as warning of "the traditional Russian tactic of fishing in troubled waters by first assisting those in need of help."

It seems to me that it is normal for people to help each other in such a dramatic situation because any of us could get into trouble. As someone educated as a nuclear power engineer, I can imagine the scale of the tragedy. Possibly Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his associates have ulterior motive, but there is a good Russian proverb: "It is not possible to build happiness on someone's ruins." I don't respect Putin or Russian President Dmitry Medvedev because they act like dictators. A lot of Russian people think the same.

There are disputable issues between Japan and Russia that will surely be resolved in a civilized manner in time. I don't believe that past events should be an obstacle to modern people and I understand the desire of Japanese people to have enough territory to live safely.

I respect Japan and its people very much because many Japanese high-tech products are the best in the world, and I have a few, including a camcoder and a TV set. The best way to get know each other is through cooperation. One good example of cooperation between Japan and Russia is Toyota's production of cars in Russia.

We live on one Earth and see the same Sun, proving God is one. Let let us respect and help each other and try to see the light sides of life. I wish the Japanese people the strength to overcome their trial.

The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

sergey shaldybin