Tom Plate's March 1 article, "Woods' apology whips up media incapable of behaving with class," has to be the best article I've seen written on the Tiger Woods scandal. I agree with every word. I am so worried about Woods, although he does still have a lot of friends as well as that God-given talent that no one will ever be able to take away from him if he stays healthy.

I just want to say a very special thank you to a journalist who knows what he is saying and how badly the media and journalists in the United States have handled this whole thing. Everything that comes out is only pure speculation and I'm quite frankly sick of it. I love Tiger for the wonderful golf player he is. While I don't agree with how he conducted himself and what he did to his family, it is strictly between them. He owes us nothing!

As for his endorsements, I just hope people see where Tiger has discussed all of this with the public and made public apologies that I feel should be accepted. We are not the one to cast the stone. There is a much greater person who is the real judge! Thank you for this wonderful article.

judy knight