Regarding Gwynne Dyer's July 12 article, "It's up to the five powers to bottle the nuclear genie": The can of worms was opened 64 years ago and the worms are unlikely ever to return to the can. Even if, say, the United States shed its entire nuclear arsenal and kept only one Trident submarine with 24 long-range ballistic missiles — each W-88 warhead with a 475-kiloton kick and a guidance system capable of landing a missile in a football stadium 10,000 km away — that power would still be too formidable to be ignored by other nations, especially those feeling vulnerable to attack.

I don't see a Hollywood happy ending in this scenario, so I can only hope against probability that an unimagined situation presents itself to prompt world leaders to hurry up and stuff the genie back in the bottle before an appalling incident explodes.

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