If there is anything that makes me more determined to improve my Japanese, it is to fight racist claptrap like that (reported in the article "Visa overstayers given too many breaks: rightist"). Instead of being considered a benefit to the country, foreigners are seen as nothing short of a nuisance that needs to be overpoliced and punished for the transgression of not being Japanese — even if you are born and raised here.

Immigrants spend more than the local population; they do jobs young Japanese aren't interested in; they stimulate a economy that has dived; they create jobs, both in the public and private sectors; and they start innovative and diverse businesses that help employ Japanese. Just go to any of the most popular bars in Nagoya, or my favorite Indian restaurant, and you'll see that.

And they do this in the face of Japanese people trying to take advantage of them and generally make things as difficult and complicated as possible at every turn. The new visa laws fall into the final category of making life more of a hassle. And to what point? To satisfy the gripes of a few racist rightists.

daniel hapeta