Regarding Robert McKinney's May 24 response ("Promiscuity irrespective of gender") to my May 14 letter ("Promiscuous life led nowhere"): I never said homosexuals are the only ones guilty of promiscuity. I never said Harvey Milk's life was "meaningless." And I certainly never attacked "liberal gays." In fact, I didn't even attack homosexuality. I only criticized a film and the gushing reviews it got, and for this, McKinney labels my letter "homophobic"? Please.

Harvey Milk's homosexual promiscuity wasn't just a private affair; he flaunted it in public and encouraged homosexuals everywhere to adopt the same reckless sexual lifestyle. McKinney can bury his head in the sand regarding the horrible trail of suffering and death to which Milk's "example" contributed, but that makes it no less undeniable.

I feel deep sorrow and sympathy for anyone with AIDS, regardless of how they contract it, which is all the more reason why no openly promiscuous person, gay or straight, should be held up as a hero as Milk has been. If this makes me "homophobic" in McKinney's eyes, then plead me guilty.

jennifer kim