Regarding Alex Martin's April 28 article, "Tokyo 2.0 a buzzing hub for online communities, entrepreneurs": As an early participant of Tokyo 2.0, I have been pleased to see that cofounder Andrew Shuttleworth's idea and hard work have finally come to fruition. I try to make a special trip to Tokyo from Nagoya about once every two or three months just to catch up with the rest of the expat/technology community in Japan.

One important piece of information missing from the article is the effort that Tokyo 2.0 makes to include those who can't be in Tokyo for the event. With the help of the venue and Ultra Super New, almost every single Tokyo 2.0 meeting has been broadcast live on Ustream ( This proves that Shuttleworth has always had the vision of bringing EVERYONE interested in technology and Japan together — not just the foreigners and tech-geeks who go bar-hopping in Roppongi.

robert sanzalone