Regarding the Nov. 29 article "Workforce may shrink by millions by 2030: study": I was surprised to read that among the various methods for increasing the workforce, such as expanded use of women, immigration was not mentioned. For Japan, immigration is the future and a necessity. It is not a "luxury" and certainly not an "evil."

Unfortunately, our politicos believe that we will be able to end labor shortages with "Japanese" labor. Of course, this is nonsense. We need foreign labor, ideas and talent. In other words, we need new blood. Without it, Japan will continue to slip into oblivion.

My partner and I are currently residing in the United States. We have noticed that Japan is hardly a topic anymore. Indeed, in the U.S., it is no longer "Japan bashing" but "Japan passing." Japan is slipping into insignificance.

A strong Japan -- with new talent encouraged by a streamlined immigration system, laws to ban racial discrimination as well as laws against age discrimination -- is what we need. As in the U.S., the topic of immigration is not going to go away, no matter how many fingerprints foreigners are forced to give. I strongly plead with our government to move in the right direction. Either we change or we'll become extinct.

hidesato sakakibara