It has been interesting to watch the blame game explode in the week since U.S. Sen. James Jeffords decided to leave the Republican Party. In the immediate aftermath, there was a sense of disbelief, mixed with a bit of "we'll get a Democrat to switch and all will be well."

Then it was the Senate leadership vs. the White House playing the game "who dunnit." Finally, in his last few days as the Senate majority leader, Trent Lott absolved all of remaining Republicans, in the Senate, the White House or wherever they may be, of any errors of commission or omission in the matter.

According to Lott, it was all Jeffords' fault -- he was consumed by his personal ambition and personal gain. Poor Jeffords has even been compared to Benedict Arnold, the first and foremost traitor of the nation. Jeffords now has been provided with a security detail in response to death threats he received.