Zuiganji Temple in Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, will take apart and repair its main hall for the first time since it was built in 1609, it was learned Tuesday.

The Zen-style main hall, which covers an area measuring 40 × 25 meters, was built by local samurai lord Date Masamune. It was designated a national treasure by the government in 1953.

The hall is important particularly because it is the only Momoyama Period-style structure in the Tohoku region, the temple said. The Momoyama style is known for colorful sculptures on transoms, "fusuma" (sliding doors) and other architectural features.

The temple decided to repair the nearly 400-year-old hall after finding cracks and distortions in the building after two major earthquakes in 2003.

The work will start next fiscal year and continue for 10 years, the temple said.