Oscar Wilde is the spinner of some of the finest tales in literary history. He wrote for a very wide-ranging public, including children. His fairy tales are truly fine. It is a characteristic of Wilde's fantasy tales for children that they contain profound insights into the very real world of adult folly and shortsightedness. "The Selfish Giant" is a prime example.

The Selfish Giant lives in an extremely large castle. Its garden is vast and it is beautifully maintained. Its vastness and beauty attract a lot of children from outside its walls who otherwise would have nowhere nice to play. But true to his selfish nature, the giant will have none of it. His garden is his own, and he will not hear of sharing it with the little ones.

Japanese banks are also giants. They are growing ever more gigantic. In the process, they are trying very hard to make their gardens not only large, but quite exclusive as well. There is nothing wrong with that, as such. Grow or die, is very much the writing on the wall where the global banking community is concerned.