Average monthly wages for regular payroll employees in 2000 came to 302,200 yen, a 0.5 percent rise from a year before and the second consecutive annual increase, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Wednesday.

The figures were based on a survey of 44,000 companies with 10 or more employees, or 1.13 million workers, the ministry said.

The average monthly wage does not include overtime pay.

The average age of workers covered by the poll was 39.8. The ministry surveyed their wages as of June.

By gender, the average monthly wage of male workers came to 336,800 yen, unchanged from the year before. Their age averaged 40.8.

That of female workers, whose age averaged 37.6, came to 220,600 yen, up 1.4 percent.

Meanwhile, the average wage for male part-time workers was 1,026 yen per hour, up 0.1 percent, while that for female part-timers was 889 yen, up 0.2 percent, the ministry said.