The coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Liberal Party and New Komeito will start as early as late September, New Komeito head Takenori Kanzaki said Friday.

Speaking at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo, Kanzaki said that the tripartite coalition will be formed after the LDP's presidential election Sept. 21.

By that time, he said, coalition talks should be finished. Ongoing policy talks being held between the LDP and New Komeito, however, will be finished sooner, around Sept. 2. But it remains uncertain when the Liberal Party, absent in the current talks, will get to the negotiating table.

Kanzaki dodged any clear reference to speculation that he may take a Cabinet minister post after the coalition is formed.

"I can understand that each party head should join the Cabinet to share the government's responsibility," Kanzaki said. "But also, I have a responsibility to lead my party at the next Lower House election (which must be held no later than October 2000)."

Concerning the LDP-Liberal Party agreement to cut 50 Lower House seats allocated through proportional representation, to which New Komeito is firmly opposed, Kanzaki said the three parties should handle the matter separately from the coalition talks.

"The three parties should reach conclusion on the issue before the extraordinary Diet session starts (in October), in a separate talks," he said.