Everyone needs to take care of their 心の健康 (kokoro no kenkō, mental health). Of course, 心 (kokoro/shin) means “heart” in Japanese, but it means “heart” in the sense of your “mind” and “spirit.” If you want to see to the health of your actual heart, take care of your 心臓 (shinzō, heart).

Anyway, where were we? Ah yes, everyone needs to take care of their 心の健康, even world leaders: ニュージーランドのジャシンダ・アーダーン元首相の「私には十分な余力がない」という辞意表明は、大きな話題になりました (Nyūjīrando no Jashinda Ādān moto shushō no “Watashi ni wa jūbunna yoryoku ga nai” to iu jii-hyōmei wa ōkina wadai ni narimashita, New Zealand’s former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's resignation announcement, "I no longer have enough in the tank," became a big topic of conversation).

In Japan, people received this news in the context of the ワークライフバランス (wāku-raifu baransu, work-life balance) and メンタルヘルス (mentaru herusu, mental health). In other words, 心の健康.