Low-Non-Bar, located in the heart of the Nihonbashi financial district, has all the trappings of a classic Tokyo watering hole. The sophisticated space features a warm, dark-wood interior, flatteringly soft lighting and a white-jacketed barman pouring impeccably mixed drinks. The only thing missing is the high-octane liquor that forms the base of most cocktails.

As the name suggests, Low-Non-Bar, which launched in early March, specializes in alcohol-free mocktails and handcrafted tipples containing less than 4% alcohol. Owner Eiji Miyazawa came up with the idea after giving up alcohol for health reasons more than four years ago.

A bartender by trade, Miyazawa is the founder of Orchard Knight Inc., which operates seven establishments in Tokyo and Nagano Prefecture. However, once he stopped drinking, he realized that the lack of beverage options can make abstainers feel awkward in social situations at bars and restaurants.