Sample newspaper article


ランキングはNECの協賛の下で作成。主要60都市を対象に「がん死亡率」や「自然災害の死者数」、「パソコンのウイルス感染率」、「凶悪犯罪発生率」を含む50以上の指標から安全性を評価した。 (KYODO)

Words and phrases

英誌 (えいし) British magazine

エコノミスト The Economist

調査 (ちょうさ) research

部門 (ぶもん) section

30日 (さんじゅうにち) 30th

~まで by~

治安 (ちあん) public safety

医療 (いりょう) medical care

面 (めん) aspect

など and others

~の観点(かんてん)から in terms of ~

世界 (せかい) world

主要都市 (しゅようとし) major city

安全性 (あんぜんせい) safety

評価(ひょうか)する to assess

ランキング ranking

発表(はっぴょう)する to release

東京 (とうきょう) Tokyo

最(もっと)も安全性の高(たか)い the safest

2位 (にい) second place

シンガポール Singapore

大阪 (おおさか) Osaka

3位 (さんい) third place

年 (ねん) year

続(つづ)く to follow

3回目 (さんかいめ) third time

過去 (かこ) past

トップ top

協賛 (きょうさん) sponsor

~の下 (もと) under~

作成 (さくせい) creation, compilation

対象 (たいしょう) candidate, coverage

がん cancer

死亡率 (しぼうりつ) mortality rate

自然災害 (しぜんさいがい) natural disaster

死者数 (ししゃすう) number of deaths

パソコン PC

ウイルス virus

感染 (かんせん) infection

率 (りつ) rate

凶悪犯罪 (きょうあくはんざい) violent crime

発生 (はっせい) incidence

含(ふく)む to include

~以上 (いじょう) more than~

指標 (しひょう) indicator

Quick questions

1) 主要都市の安全性はどんな観点から評価されましたか。

2) 2位と3位はどの都市ですか。

3) どんな指標が使われましたか。


The research section of British magazine The Economist on the 30th released its rankings of major cities in the world in terms of public safety, medical care and other aspects, and Tokyo was ranked the world's safest city. Singapore was ranked second and Osaka came in third. The research was conducted for the third time since 2015 and 2017, with Tokyo topping the list the past two times.

The rankings are compiled under sponsor NEC. Safety was assessed in 60 major cities using more than 50 indicators including "the cancer mortality rate," "deaths due to natural disasters," "PC virus infection rates" and "the rate of violent crimes."


1) In what terms was the safety of major cities assessed?


Public safety, medical care and so on.

2) Which cities were ranked second and third?


Singapore and Osaka.

3) What were some of the (safety) indicators?


Cancer mortality rate, deaths due to natural disasters, PC virus infection rates and rate of violent crimes.