Assessing the battle: Is the humble bathroom scale destined, like the manual typewriter, for the halls of obsolescence? Amid the fret over metabolic syndrome and other health issues, just measuring your weight, even down to the gram, doesn't get the job done anymore.

National Electric has come up with a new device series to meet the demand for precision body measurements. The new Overall Health Balance Scale goes beyond the already high-tech scales that check your body-fat percentage, as well as your weight.

The new EW-FA70S is built to gauge your weight, body mass index, fat levels around your organs, muscle levels and basal metabolic rate (how much energy you use when resting). It also measures your subcutaneous fat, which lies just under the skin, both the thickness of it in different body parts and the total percentage of such fat. Each measurement is ranked on a 5-point scale, and even an overall health rating based on your age is given. The scale can even check your balance and posture.