As Japan braces itself for the influx of soccer fans, the media is keeping a careful eye on potential hot spots -- including Roppongi, Tokyo's gaijin HQ. Though no World Cup matches will be played inside Tokyo, Roppongi is expected to take the brunt of post-game soccer fans out to celebrate their wins or -- perhaps worse -- drown their loses.

Paddy Foley's, an Irish pub in the heart of Roppongi, has been hit by an ongoing media blitz since Japan's co-hosting of the World Cup was announced. Rob O'Rourke, the manager, says: "I was interviewed three times last week. And we'll have an Irish radio crew broadcasting live from here during all of Ireland's matches -- and some Japanese and foreign TV crews filming, too."

The media may be hyped over the event, but, like Rob, most Roppongi bar managers appear calm in the face of the approaching storm. As much as they are readying to cater to an increased clientele, so, too, are they battening their hatches. At the same time extra television monitors are being installed, extra security staff are being hired to control the door. At some spots, meanwhile, regulars are being issued with members' cards.