At some point, it happens to all of us. You stand in front of the wine shelves and stare at the labels. You struggle to remember the last great vintage in the Rhone Valley, Rioja or Tuscany. You see the name of a winery you've liked in the past, but can't recall if it was the Syrah or the Zinfandel (it was a long night). So you face this dilemma: You don't want to splash out on a bottle of wine without knowing if it will make your heart sing.

At Vinos Yamazaki Wine+ist, you can sample wines before buying.

If you are at the new Vinos Yamazaki Wine+ist shop in Shibuya's Seibu department store, there is a solution. Sit down at the pale wood counter and taste wines before you buy them. Best of all, you can opt for a small "tasting pour" priced between E00-300 yen -- just a few sips served in a classic Institut National d'Appellation d'Origine tasting glass.