Justin Jeffrey and his wife, Miyuki, have set off on a journey of epic proportions. On bicycles laden with camping equipment and summer and winter clothes, they are traveling overland from Sapporo to London. Their journey is taking them through some of the most spectacular and challenging terrain in the world as they pedal through China, Tibet, India, the Middle East and Europe in their hopes of reaching London by Christmas next year.

To those who know the young Englishman, it comes as little surprise that he has undertaken such a daring journey. Justin Jeffrey is no stranger to adventure. As a child growing up in southern Africa he spent his summers on safari in the wilderness of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Following his lifelong love for travel, he came to Japan on the Japan Exchange and Teaching program, after finishing a degree in art history at the University of Edinburgh.

Working as an assistant language teacher in the town of Shibecha, in eastern Hokkaido, Jeffrey made frequent outings into the island's mountain wilderness. During the school's winter vacation in 1999, he escorted the local Japanese English teacher to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya. Still, his present adventure may be exceeding people's expectations.