Date of publication: Nov 19, 2018

Maylem Rivero Silva

Economic and Trade Counsellor of Cuba to Japan
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba

Date of birth: Oct. 30, 1963

Hometown: Havana

Number of years in Japan (cumulative): 4 (as of November 2018)

Q1: What was your first encounter with Japan?
It was by the year 2000 that I was asked to join a Japanese delegation in Cuba; for the first time, I worked directly with Japan. The delegation was visiting places where cooperation was developed through the Japan International Cooperation Agency. For me, it was a great experience for the organization, discipline and seriousness with which they carried out their work.
Q2: Please state your motto in life and why you have chosen it.
Jose Marti said, “The only worthy autograph of a man is the one that he leaves written with his works.” I think that the life of a man must be remembered for the worthy acts of humanity, by making each day a better day, giving everything of himself and in the best possible way, without hatred or grudges and doing in each moment, what each moment deserves.
Q3 : Over your career, what achievement are you the proudest of?
As a professional, I have achieved the goals that I set for myself when I was younger and that were not few, to have now the privilege of being able to prepare the new generations on the values and ethical principles in which we believe. As a woman to have a family, which already includes a granddaughter, who respects and supports me in all my decisions. That is really great!
Q4 : What are your goals during your time in Japan, your current position or in life?
I’ve been living and working in Japan for four years — enough time to review what I could or couldn’t achieve regarding the dreams I brought when I arrived. It has been enough having been part of the current bilateral relations, having made good friends who accompanied me on this long journey and knowing that I was able to contribute, with my knowledge, to the benefit of these relations between the two countries.
Q5 : What wisdom, advice or tips can you give to people living and working in Japan?
Last updated: Nov 19, 2018